Author: admin

The Client Attraction Paradox

Today, I’m going to tell you about something I call, The Client Attraction Paradox. If you understand this, you can go far. If you don’t understand it, you can struggle.

Working with clients is a crazy business. We are in the business of helping people. And yet, if you’re too eager to help people, you end up helping no one. Because everyone turns you down!

When my wife and I were in the music world, she introduced me to an entire group of people across the world called oboists. These folks are crazy, poor things. I’d end up crazy too if I had to endure what they do. Oboists live and die by the quality of the reeds they use to play their instrument. They sit at their desk for hours and hours making these little reeds just hoping that some are going to turn out OK so they can play well.

WARNING: You never want to annoy an oboe player who is in the middle of a reed funk. Why? Well, oboists use very sharp knives to make their reeds. And they have spools of very strong thread. Kind of reminds me of the wire assassins use to strangle you. But I digress… Annoying a somewhat psychologically “unstable” reedmaker while she is in the middle of a reed funk is just not a smart idea.

The reason I tell you all of this is because it’s a little bit similar to the type of crazy we encounter when we work with clients. Often times up is down and down is up. You get things by not wanting them. You attract by not pursuing. But how do you do it when you actually have to eat?

If you’re in the client business, of course you need clients. The trick is not to NEED them. There’s a difference.

As Dan Kennedy always says, people are attracted to people who ARE somebody, who are DOING things and GOING places. There’s just a natural attraction to that. It’s hardwired into us for some reason.

So the short answer to this issue is to simply BE one of those people. BE somebody, DO something, GO somewhere! (GO is a relative term here. I rarely, if ever, leave town.)

The Problem With Pursuing What You Want Directly

I worked with a client once on a very close basis who was a self-made success. I watched each month as tons of cash flowed through his hands and into various places. The guy had a real knack for attraction. He was able to communicate, in no uncertain terms, that he was going this way. You could either follow or not. Just understand that, if you chose not to follow, no one would look back to see what happened to you. His skill was the ability to communicate that without actually saying it.

One day, I heard him say something that jumped out at me and has stuck with me ever since.

He basically explained how he had learned that money cannot be pursued directly. If you try, you tend to repel it.

Crazy Me, Pursuing Money Is Exactly What I Had Been Trying to Do For Years!

Needless to say, his way of operating opened my eyes to the true power of attraction when you do it right. Pursuing money directly is the same as when you try to pursue clients directly. It just doesn’t work out well. Because they feel hunted.

The Big Bad Wolf didn’t chase Little Red Riding Hood, he showed up different. That’s much more effective, even if you never find yourself in the middle of a fairytale.

But we’re not animals, are we? We’re not that far from animals. That’s why these “natural laws” are true out in the wild and are true here in our “civilized” society. Things that are pursued tend to run.

The Good News About The Client Attraction Paradox

The good news is that you and you alone have the power to transform yourself into somebody who IS someone, who IS doing things, who IS going places. It’s all under your control. That’s really the secret. You don’t sit around waiting to get anointed or noticed. Years ago maybe that was possible. Years ago, more people were brainwashed into believing you had to get picked. But these days, you’ll be waiting a very, very long time.

I know, I tried it. I won a national music competition back when I was 19. Some of the other competitors were 10+ years older… with Doctorates. My teacher only ever came in 2nd at that competition. I WON. And then I “waited.” I think at some level, I thought I had done something worthy of being anointed. Not so! No one ever showed up. No one came to approve. No one took the spotlight and shined it on me. That was my job and I blew it, big time.

I look back on it now and chuckle at just how unaware I was. Wow. I would say it was a huge wasted opportunity, except I don’t believe anything like that exists.

Right now, I can use that opportunity for so many things including relaying it to you so you make smarter decisions than I did. If that’s the value that comes of it, that’ll be worth it. So here’s something blunt to consider:

If You Can Find the Time to Feel “Needy” About Getting Clients, Then You Are No Where Near Busy Enough

Each week, I publish and do lots of stuff. I have daily emails, I have articles like this one, my own product creation, coaching clients and other client work and on and on.

70% of that work would still exist if I had zero clients. I created it, that’s why.

You know what one of the side benefits of doing all of that is? I don’t have enough time to sit around and think about how I don’t have what I want.

In other words, I’ve engineered things so I don’t have a lot of time to feel needy. When I don’t have time to feel “needy,” I don’t give off “needy.” And we all know that good things come when you can do that.

This is perhaps one of the biggest secrets I’ve discovered over the years:

If there’s something about you or the way you are that is less than suited to becoming successful, don’t bother trying to “change” yourself: simply set things up so it’s impossible for you to be that way.

Do you think I’d sit down and write a daily email to the world if thousands of people weren’t expecting it? I guarantee you I wouldn’t. But the pressure of knowing everyone is waiting on me gets my tail in gear.

I’ve built it in. And you can do it with the whole “feeling needy” thing. If you remove unused time and put it to work to BE somebody who is GOING places and DOING things, there’s not a lot of time left.

So here are some questions to ask yourself to start the process of attracting clients without NEED (with a capital N):

First, what kind of a SOMEBODY do you want to be? In other words, what are 2-3 big ideas that YOU stand for in the marketplace?

Second, WHAT do you want to be doing that is valuable to your target market even if they never hire you?

Third, WHERE do you want to go? You’re “going places” remember? Well where is that? What is the land that you are helping your clients travel to? What does that look like?

7 Ways to Minimize Small Business Risks

You can’t get all that far ahead in business if you haven’t taken risks. Many people in business try their best to avoid big risks, but there are some that are worth taking. Whenever it comes to any risk in life, whether it’s investing company money or asking a girl on a date in high school, we constant exaggerate potential negative outcomes in our minds. Rather than picturing poor outcomes, proper evaluation of the level of risk for the situation will help weigh out the pros and cons.
Taking risks that have been properly weighed out in pros and cons is the best way to get ahead in business, especially when that company is smaller and intends on growing much large in the near future.. Overall, it is a chance of exposure to gain or loss for your business that might be undertaken after the advantages and disadvantages are carefully considered.
If you have been playing it safe with your business, it might be time to take a risk that will change how you look at decision making. As a great starting point, there are seven things to try out when minimizing the risks in your business.:

1. Analyze Which Risks Make Sense for You
Risks are different levels of extremes for everyone, depending on their comfort level with change. For your business, you may want to become more efficient with your processes. For another, the concentration might be on growing their customer base. These two businesses would need completely different and specialized plans for what they wanted to achieve.

2. Set Your Goals and Brainstorm
By knowing your goal and working backwards to see how much time it will take to make the change, you prepare yourself for the process of the change. This step in the process also makes you aware of how many people will need to be involved and when.

3. Evaluate the Risk Level of Each Opportunity
When researching and preparing for the possibility of taking a risk, it is important to be unbiased to judge – such as an accountant, insurance agent, or marketing insight – to tell you when it will not be a good opportunity for the growth of the business. By getting an outsiders insight on your business, you get a more solid foundation of where your business is and where it could end up.

4. Create a Detailed Plan of Execution
With a calculated risk, you have to figure out what your goals are and fill in a roadmap of what will need to be done to make it happen. For example, coming up with a training program to roll out new procedures in your business works best when there is a set plan of exactly what each employee will learn and when.
Instead of jumping in blind, you should look more into the topics and see the research that is already out there. By figuring out the potential consequences or benefits that may come, you will be much better prepared for what you’re about to take on.. Stepping out of your comfort zone and taking on new opportunities presents your business as a leader in the market, and a carefully calculated plan can open you up to a world of possibilities that you hadn’t even considered in the past.

5. Edit and Change the Process As You Go
If you get halfway through a process and realize it is not going as planned, don’t be afraid to change it! There is no one size fits all fix. Each company has its own issues and goals that cane be achieved by looking at solutions that are tailor-fit for your own specific needs..

6. Review the Results
Whatever the outcome of your plan, use the results to help you adjust future decisions. Maybe you needed more funding or more time to complete the goal – now you are more aware of what to expect in your next endeavor.

7. Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
Not all risks go as planned, but it is crucial that you learn from your mistakes. While there is always a chance of failing, we feel as though risks can be very beneficial to everyone involved when they are well thought out and executed properly. If you’re in business, there is no way to avoid making any risks. Rather than trying to steer away from them, it’s better to learn as much as you can and approach them from an informed and educated perspective with the pros and cons weighed in your favor..

How To Market A Service To Businesses

Don walked across the street from his house to mine to announce he had finally retired. “But I’m not ready for the golf course,” he said. “I want to make a living on the Internet. What can I sell?”

This is a question many of us struggle with as we see money, freedom, and a bright future for those who manage to find their niche online. You may have tried to sell something from the Internet only to find it is difficult to get visitors to your web site and even harder to get them to buy.

The biggest hurdle is simple: most folks are trying to sell products to consumers. That’s not where the money is. It is a more daunting task than most realize.

Only one percent of retail sales happens on the Internet. Even though selling to consumers should be gargantuan one day, we have a long way to go before the majority of people are placing orders the Internet way.

Instead, sell something to businesses. While consumer sales amounted to many billion last year, business-to-business purchases vaulted to a whopping ten times that much. Clearly, if you want the easiest path to tapping into the landslide of Internet cash, sell a product or service needed by business.

So, you say, I should sell a product to businesses? Not exactly. Most products need to be sold in large volumes by many distributors before they turn a profit. Chances are the product you sell is also being pushed by hundreds or thousands of other affiliates. In the end, many business buyers will simply click to the main corporate site to make their purchase.

Your best bet for starting a small Internet business and earning a living online is to sell a service to businesses. Unlike products, it is hard to mass produce a service. Most service providers find their competition is relatively thin. This is especially true if you provide a very specialized service or do your job in a particular way that is hard to duplicate. Because services require time spent by an experienced expert, rates can be high, especially for business customers.

But I’m not an expert in anything people on the Internet would want to buy, you exclaim. Not true.

Sit down with a pen and jot down all the things bosses have paid you for during your work career. Add to your list things you have done on your own time that friends, neighbors, or co-workers have felt were valuable.

Which of these things could be sold on the Internet? If you kept books for a business with twenty employees, you can sell your bookkeeping service to the vast number of small Internet businesses who don’t have the time or expertise to manage their growing firm.

If you produced your church newsletter for several years, your desktop publishing and editing skills could fill the hot demand for people who can write and publish e-messaging campaigns, web sites, and print newsletters. Best of all, a writer/editor deals in pure information which is easiest and cheapest to deliver over the Internet.

My neighbor Don decided his skills from a career in law enforcement would be hard to sell on the Internet. But he knew lots of things businesses needed and he had a list of town residents who could fill those needs.

If you don’t readily have a service you can sell to business, find someone who does. Many in-demand people don’t know how to market themselves on the Internet or haven’t the time to try. Represent their service online and take a commission for each sale.

Put up your own web site with some articles business customers will find helpful. They can do double duty, showing you know plenty about your line of work.

Post testimonials from satisfied customers or other experts in your industry. To get full impact, be sure to list the person’s full name and the name of their business or city they live in.

Offer to send customers and prospects a monthly update via email. Include brief updates on important developments in the industry. Mix in three line ads promoting your service.

Selling a service to business is your least-expensive way to get started making money online. It is also the quickest way to tap into the huge amounts of money traveling from business to business.

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